„The Social Protection of Workers in the Platform Economy“ – new research report

Interesting research report: „The Social Protection of Workers in the Platform Economy„.

 The research was conducted for the Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) Committee of the European Parliament by an international team of researchers at the Centre for Employment Relations Innovation and Change (CERIC), Leeds University Business School, under the leadership of Professors Chris Forde and Mark Stuart. 
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Heiko Hoßfeld und Martin Wolfslast (Universität Duisburg-Essen) erhalten Preis für ihr Paper „Öffentliche Legitimitätskrisen von Unternehmen“

Martin Wolfslast und Dr. Heiko Hoßfeld (Universität Duisburg-Essen) haben für ihren Vortrag und ihr Papier zum Thema „Öffentliche Legitimitätskrisen von Unternehmen – Identifikation und Ursachenanalyse“ einen Preis – den Short Paper Award – erhalten. Verliehen wurde der Preis auf der 15. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Empirische Personal- und Organisationsforschung (AKempor), die im November 2017 an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf stattfand. Wir freuen uns mit den Preisträgern.… Mehr lesen...

New paper: Empirical study on rhetoric and institutionalization of managerial practices in two German banks

„This paper analyzes how rhetoric is associated with the legitimation and institutionalization of managerial practices. Since rhetoric both shapes and reflects an actor’s legitimacy assumptions, rhetoric can be used as an indicator of the institutionalization or cognitive legitimacy of managerial practices. Drawing on and expanding previous research on rhetorical theory and verbal accounts, this paper links argumentation structure and form with processes of institutionalization. The empirical analysis draws on a large text corpus of data from two German banks, both of which implemented drastic downsizing measures. The results show that the process of institutionalization is related to both a decline in argument diversity and a shift from defensive to acclaiming arguments.“

Source: Hossfeld, H. (2018). Legitimation and institutionalization of managerial practices. The role of organizational rhetoric. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 34(1), 9-21. You may find the articel here: https://t.co/mIUCy2oaXR

Source of the picture: https://free-images.com/display/hatter_engaging_in_rhetoric.html (the picture is an … Mehr lesen...