Toxic Workplaces – Why Your Workplace Might Be Killing You

Why Your Workplace Might Be Killing You“  – this title of a short article refers to a paper „The Relationship Between Workplace Stressors and Mortality and Health Costs in the United States“ by Joel Goh, Jeffrey Pfeffer, and Stefanos A. Zenios. The authors summarize some of their research results as follows:

„We have seen that employer decisions about work and the workplace are associated with excess deaths and healthcare costs in the U.S.. To put our results in perspective, our model’s estimate of workplace-associated mortality is comparable to the fourth (cerebrovascular diseases) and fifth (accidents) largest cause of death in the U.S. in 2009 …, and exceeds the number of deaths from diabetes, Alzheimer’s, or influenza. Our model also estimates that the workplace-associated healthcare cost is comparable to the estimated cost of diabetes in the U.S. in 2007 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2011), which was

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„Across age groups, views of unions are most positive among young adults“

Interesting results from a survey conducted in the U.S. in March 2015: The views  of unions are more positive among young adults.

„55% of those ages 18-29 view unions favorably, while just 29% view them unfavorably. Among older adults, favorability ratings of unions are mixed with about as many holding favorable as unfavorable views.“ (Source:

The age effect is even observable if one controls for the political orientation. (Unfortunately the survey uses different age categories in the next two tables.)


See also the article here.… Mehr lesen...

Dr. Şafak Tartanoğlu, Uludag University, Turkey: “The Prospects of Gendered Insecurity: Home-Based Garment Work as a Form of Precarious Employment in Turkey“

Dr.  Şafak Tartanoğlu, Uludag University, Turkey, visited the research group of Werner Nienhüser (University of Duisburg-Essen). She gave a great presentation on „The Prospects of Gendered Insecurity: Home-Based Garment Work as a Form of Precarious Employment in Turkey„. The presentation delivered an excellent overview on current research, identified several research gaps and made suggestions how to close these gaps.… Mehr lesen...