Maslow über die Anwendbarkeit seiner Theorie auf die Arbeitswelt

In Teilen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre und in der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie gilt Maslows Bedürfnis- und Motivationstheorie als zumindest im Kern zutreffend und man meint, man könne sie auf das Verhalten von Menschen in der Arbeitswelt übertragen. Maslow selbst war hier kritischer:

„My work on motivations came from the clinic, from a study of neurotic people. The carry-over of this theory to the industrial situation has some support from industrial studies, but certainly I would like to see a lot more studies of this kind before feeling finally convinced that this carry-over from the study of neurosis to the study of labor in factories is legitimate. The same thing is true of my studies of self-actualizating people – there is only this one study of mine available. There were many things wrong with the sampling, so many in fact that it must be considered to be, in the classical sense anyway, a
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Wool Works – Manhattan Marxism / Exploitation / Strange Teaching / art project by Rainer Ganahl

The artist Rainer Ganahl addresses exploitation by comparing the preindustrial way of producing woolen products with the products and processes using computer-aided knitting maschines. His aim is „to raise consciousness about the manifold complicated hidden production processes that enter the consumer products we purchase at department stores for little money“ (, see also:


a project developed for PANORAMA BOA VISTA, Porto, Portugal, March 2017


Rainer Ganahl – Manhattan Marxism / Wool Works / Exploitation / Strange Teaching / Wool Works / Exploitation – Opening Wednesday, Apr 12, 10pm

In this exhibition, Rainer Ganahl combines his projects Manhattan Marxism and Strange Teaching, emphasizing the aspect of exploitation. …

Manhattan Marxism has previously taken place at Kunstmuseum Lichtenstein (2012), White Columns, New York (2013), and De Vleshaal, Middelburg (2014). Ganahl is interested

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„Economics is For Everyone“ (I would add: The economy is for everyone.)

„‘Economics is for everyone’, argues legendary economist Ha-Joon Chang in our latest mind-blowing RSA Animate. This is the video economists don’t want you to see! Chang explains why every single person can and SHOULD get their head around basic economics. He pulls back the curtain on the often mystifying language of derivatives and quantitative easing, and explains how easily economic myths and assumptions become gospel. Arm yourself with some facts, and get involved in discussions about the fundamentals that underpin our day-to-day lives.“

See also here: The book Chang refers to is this: Economics: The User’s Guide, Penguin, London, 2014.

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