„We Provoked Business Students to Unionize“ – a good example for critical teaching

If you want to know, what good critical teaching is, you should read this article. Body and mind, feeling and thinking are being connected in the classroom (https://criticalmotteaching.wordpress.com).

Abstract. „Many industrial relations (IR) scholars experience some angst at their (mis)placement in business schools. While our Abstract Many industrial relations (IR) scholars experience some angst at their (mis)placement in business schools. While our expertise broadens the curriculum, the topics central to IR and union?management matters often are met with student resistance, particularly in North America. At our wits? end, we decided to employ a deception simulation. We devised an award winning exercise that broke business students? psychological contract with their professor and gave them an opportunity to organize collectively to redress this injustice. Students observed first-hand the triggers of union organizing as well as their responses to inequity. Anonymous student feedback showed an overwhelmingly positive reception to the exercise.

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Neues Buch: „Gewerkschaft – ja bitte! – Ein Handbuch für Betriebsräte, Vertrauensleute und Aktive“

Im VSA-Verlag ist ein interessantes Buch von Hartmut Meine erschienen, das sich vor allem an gewerkschaftlich aktive PraktikerInnen wendet. Das Buch hat den Titel:

„Gewerkschaft – ja bitte! – Ein Handbuch für Betriebsräte, Vertrauensleute und Aktive.“

Das Inhaltsverzeichnis und eine Leseprobe (Kapitel1) finden sich hier.Mehr lesen...