Repost: „[Statement] iSlave 6 : Harsher than Harsher! Still Made in Sweatshops! | Sacom“

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„[Statement] iSlave 6 : Harsher than Harsher! Still Made in Sweatshops! 19th September, 2014, Hong KongToday

19th September is the official launch day of the pre-reserved iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus which are remarkably configured with bigger size of touch screen. Although some customers may be impressed by the new product, SACOM discloses the unacceptable slavery working condition in Pegatron Corporation, which is one of the key Apple’s suppliers producing about 50% of iPhone 6.According to our newly investigative report entitled “The Lives of Apple’s iSlave in its Pegatron Sweatshops in China”, the dark side of Apple’s success and its failure to closely monitor suppliers’ corporate behavior have been disclosed. SACOM researchers have found that there are a number of practices in the factory violating

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