— Calvin and Hobbes (@Calvinn_Hobbes) October 15, 2016
Author Archives: werner
Bob Dylan: „I’ve never been too impressed“, 13.10.2016
„I have dined with kings, I’ve been offered wings
And I’ve never been too impressed“
(Bob Dylan: Is Your Love In Vain?; http://bobdylan.com/songs/your-love-vain; picture: https://www.flickr.com/photos/hugovk via https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Bob_Dylan_in_art)
Disturbing art against destructive working conditions: „Fashion Victims“ Street Art
Disturbing art against destructive working conditions:
… Mehr lesen...„With explosive action and the strong emotional content of this Spanish artist Yolanda Dominguez reminds Madrid the death of 1,127 textile workers underpaid, which took place following the collapse of a building, Rana Palace in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in April.
The artist has called the work “Fashion Victims” referring to “workers in slavery, child labor, and to the millions of people harmed by pollution of the factories in the countries of production.”“ (Source: https://condignart.com/2013/06/09/fashion-victims-street-art-referring-to-workers-in-slavery-and-child-labor/)