Spiegel Online: „Werk in Chattanooga: VW-Mitarbeiter wollen keinen Betriebsrat“

„Mit 712 zu 626 Stimmen haben die Angestellten im VW-Werk Chattanooga die Gründung eines Betriebsrats nach deutschem Vorbild abgelehnt. An der geheimen Abstimmung beteiligten sich 89 Prozent der Beschäftigten. Der Standort im US-Bundesstaat Tennessee verfügt damit weiter als einziges großes VW-Werk weltweit über kein Gremium zur betrieblichen Mitbestimmung.“ (Quelle: SPIEGEL ONLINE)

„The vote this week came in a region that is traditionally anti-union, and as a result many said the U.A.W. faced an uphill battle. The union saw the campaign as a vital first step toward expanding in the South, while Republicans and many companies in Tennessee feared that a U.A.W. triumph would hurt the state’s welcoming image for business.
Standing outside the Volkswagen plant, Mike Jarvis, a three-year employee who works on the finishing line, said the majority had voted against U.A.W. because they were persuaded the union had hurt Detroit’s automakers. … Republican politicians in Tennessee as well

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„All eyes on Chattanooga: VW’s workers are deciding the future of unions in the South“ (Washington Post)

„This is all about money for them. They feel like, if they can get up under the hood with a company in the South, then they can make progress in other places,“ Corker said. „There’s no question that the UAW organizing there will have an effect on our community’s ability to continue to recruit businesses.“

„This is enormously important for the labor movement as a whole,“ said Damon Silvers, policy director at the AFL-CIO. „The European transplants are a puzzle that the American labor movement has been trying to work out for decades, and the UAW seems to have figured it out.“

via All eyes on Chattanooga: VW’s workers are deciding the future of unions in the South.… Mehr lesen...