Professor Ken Parry von der Griffith Business School (Brisbane, Australien) hielt am 14.5.07 während eines knapp einwöchigen Arbeitsaufenthaltes am Lehrstuhl für Personalwirtschaft an der UDE (Essen) einen Vortrag zum Thema
Metaphors for innovative organisations: Findings from a national qualitative questionnaire and implications for leadership.
Hier die Zusammenfassung: „A national survey used a qualitative questionnaire to test for perceptions of: climate for innovation; organisational culture; and metaphors for the organisation. Huge differences were found between the most innovative and the least innovative organisations, in terms of the food metaphors that represented these organisations in the minds of respondents. Inter alia, the most innovative organisations were lobster and caviar, while the least innovative organisations were meat&veg or pie&chips. Interview data uncovered the social constructions that reflected these metaphors. Inter-rater reliability was confirmed. Internal reliability was confirmed. Convergent validity was confirmed. Common method variance was removed. Implications for sensemaking and for organisational … Mehr lesen...