Kinderarbeit / Child labour – more than statistics

The International Labour Organization writes:

  • 152 million were in child labour„, „of which, 73 million were in hazardous work“.
  • Regional (% of labor force):
    Africa 20%
    Americas 5.3%
    Arab States 2.9%
    Asia and the Pacific 7.4%
    Europe and Central Asia 4.1%
  • Age profile:
    48% 5-11 years-olds
    28%: 12-14 years-olds
    24% 15-17 years-olds
  • Economic activity:
    70.9% Agriculture
    11.9% Industry
    17.2% Services

Source: ILO (2013): Marking progress against child labour. Global estimates and trends 2000 – 2012 (Executive summary). Geneva: ILO. Available online at

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One of the worst forms of exploitation: Forced child labour

pepbonet„As part of the Modern-Day Forms of Slavery group project, a photojournalistic investigation by NOOR, Pep Bonet focuses on the issue of child labour and exploitation in Bangladesh where there are nearly 5 million children between the age of 5 – 15 working in hazardous conditions in factories, garages and homes, in railway stations and markets, in small foundries — many for little or no pay at all. Many boys and girls who work do not have access to education and become trapped in low-skilled, low-pay work that further binds them into the cycle of poverty.“ (Source:

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