… Mehr lesen...„Our Cotton Colonies
We follow a T-shirt’s supply chain from Burkina Faso to Bangladesh to your local mall—and back again. ..
The history of cotton is tightly braided into the history of Western capitalism. A major thread of the British Empire, the crop helped weave the efficient and ruthless structures of today’s globalized economy. The T-shirts we buy at retailers like Gap and H&M may feel far removed from the bloody past of a crop synonymous in
the 19th century with slavery and sweatshops. But when one follows the global supply chain of cotton growers, workers, traders and factory owners, it becomes increasingly apparent that capitalism has not, in fact, traveled far at all from its bloody origins.
Cotton is a flexible crop. It will grow anywhere rain is plentiful and temperatures remain above freezing for at least 200 days a year. Archaeological records show that humans have cultivated
Author Archives: werner
Free articles – „Voice of the workers“ in WES
“Voice of the workers” in WES – Posted on June 27, 2016 by monaflorian The journal Work, Employment
„Organizational Behaviour – Verhalten in Organisationen“ – neu in der 2. Auflage erschienen
Das von Albert Martin herausgebene Buch „Organizational Behaviour“ ist in der zweiten Auflage im Kohlhammer-Verlag erschienen. (Martin, A. (Hrsg.). (2017). Organizational Behaviour – Verhalten in Organisationen (2. Aufl.). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer).
Das Buch beinhaltet Beiträge zu den folgenden Themen (eine detaillierte Übersicht finden Sie hier: http://www.beck-shop.de/fachbuch/inhaltsverzeichnis/978-3-17-029924-5_I.pdf)
- Vertrauen
- Macht
- Tausch
- Ideologie
- Arbeitsverhalten
- Entscheidungsverhalten
- Konfliktverhalten
- Psychologischer Vertrag
- Organisationales Commitment
- Rollen, Extra-Rollenverhalten und Organizational Citizenship
Behavior - Rückzugsverhalten
- Gruppenidentität
- Teamorientiertes Verhalten
- Organisationskultur
- Betriebsklima