Hier die neuesten Untersuchungen, über die man sich auf der Webseite und per Newsletter-Zusendung informieren kann.
“You can take a look at the following 10 research reports that are new on our Flex Work Research Centre: www.flexworkresearch.org:
- A Cross-Sector Comparison of Using Nonstandard Workers; Explaining Use and Impacts on the Employment Relationship, Chung-An Chen, Jeffrey L. Brudney
- Socio-economic Risks of Atypical Employment Relationships: Evidence from the German Labour Market, Johannes Giesecke
- Marktanalyse 2007, Regioplan
- Buiten de bijstand; Onderzoek naar mensen die afzien van een WWB-uitkering of deze niet krijgen toegekend, Inspectie Werk en Inkomen
- Inkomen, verdeling en armoede: over groei, stabiliteit en de kloof tussen werkenden en uitkeringstrekkers, Karel Van den Bosch, Pieter Vandenbroucke, Bea Cantillon, Jozef Pacolet
- Job Insecurity and Employability in Fixed-Term Contractors, Agency Workers, and Permanent Workers: Associations With Job Satisfaction and Affective Organizational Commitment, Nele De Cuyper, Guy Notelaers, Hans De Witte
- One Store, Two Employment Systems: Core, Periphery and Flexibility in China’s Retail Sector, Jos Gamble, Qihai Huang
- European labour markets and the cultural-economic geography of flexwork, Roos Pijpers
- Freedom or fallout in local government? How work-life culture impacts employees using flexible work practices, Paula McDonald; Barbara Pini; Lisa Bradley
- Modernisering arbeidstijden en verlofregelingen, CPB“