„It’s socialism! It’s the death of the economy! It’s… a plan to give employees a few seats on corporate boards.“
With these words Nathan J. Robinson summarizes the comments on the right regarding Elizabeth Warren’s bill (https://www.vox.com/2018/8/15/17683022/elizabeth-warren-accountable-capitalism-corporations) requiring corporations to provide their employees 40% of seats on their board of directors. Right wingers view this very modest proposal for #codetermination as socialism, as a „plan to ’nationalize every major business in the United States,‘ which would be ‚the largest seizure of private property in human history.'“ (https://www.currentaffairs.org/2018/08/some-illuminating-reactions-to-elizabeth-warrens-worker-rights-plan)
The discussion not only in the U.S. press, but also on twitter (#codetermination) is very interesting. I read a lot of arguments we have been discussing in Germany for a long time, and I think the discussion could learn from the German experience of codetermination (Mitbestimmung). There is a lot of literature. The following source summarizes parts of the … Mehr lesen...