Kinderarbeit – Child Labor

Child labor Bangladesh

(Bild bereitgestellt von Shanjoy (Shanjoy) [„>GFDL or CC-BY-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons)

Der Fotograf GMB Akash schreibt auf seiner Webseite:

„Born to work

Child labour is not a new issue in Bangladesh. as children remain here one of the most vulnerable groups living under threats of hunger, illiteracy, displacement, exploitation, trafficking, physical and mental abuse. Although the issue of child labor has always been discussed, there is hardly any remarkable progress even in terms of mitigation.

17.5 percent of total children of the 5-15 age group are engaged in economic activities. many of this children are engage in various hazardous occupations in manufacturing factories. factory owners prefer to employ children as they could pay them less and also able to keep their factories free from trade unionism. a child labour gets taka 400 to 700 ( 1 USD = 70 taka) per month, while an adult … Mehr lesen...