CfP der WSI-Mitteilungen zum Thema „Unsichere Zeiten“

Die Zeitschrift „WSI-Mitteilungen“ will die Publikationschancen für  jüngere WissenschaftlerInnen in der Qualifikationsphase (abgeschlossenes Masterstudium, PromovendInnen und PostdoktorandInnen) fördern und hat zu diesem Zweck einen AutorInnenwettbewerb ausgeschrieben.

Die Ausschreibung unter dem Arbeitstitel „Unsichere Zeiten? – Rückgewinnung sozialer Sicherheit und politischer Handlungsfähigkeit“  ist thematisch breit gefasst, um jüngere WissenschaftlerInnen aus verschiedenen sozial- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Disziplinen anzusprechen (Einreichungsfrist 30.04.2018).

Den Call findet man hier:

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Call for Papers for „management revue“: Echoes of an Era – A Century of Organisational Studies

Call for Papers: Echoes of an Era – A Century of Organisational Studies

„Managing Editor:
Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg (Germany)

Hundred years ago, Henri Fayols “Administration Industrielle et Générale”, a milestone in the history of organisational thought, was published. This centenary motivates the editors of the Management Revue to launch a stream on the history of organisational studies. In the forthcoming volumes, and rather on an infrequent basis, we would like to publish contributions which not only introduce the reader to one or several, interrelated seminal works of organisational theory, but also provide accompanying commentaries and an analysis of their history of effects.

The reason for this format is, given our discipline’s forgetfulness of history, to provide orientation, which not only serves teaching and young management scholars. While reference to classic thought contributes to scientific advancement in other fields of the social sciences, in our field some research issues are

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Call for Papers: „Workplace Flexibility“ – Special Issue of „Management Revue“

„Call for Papers: Workplace Flexibility
Guest Editors: Sascha Ruhle, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf (Germany); Stefan Süß, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf (Germany)
Special Issue
Flexibility has been an ongoing issue for various fields of research and practice and a considerable amount of literature dealing with the concept of flexibility has developed. This diversity has led to various perspectives on dimensions and aspects of flexibility. However, two major fields of flexibility can be distinguished. The organizational perspective understands workplace flexibility as the degree of adaptability of an organization in an uncertain and changing environment (Dastmalchian & Blyton 2001). In addition, workplace flexibility can encompass the individual perspective of the workforce, especially the degree of flexibility regarding aspects of where, when, and how work is performed (Hill et al. 2008). Within both streams of research, various aspects of flexibility have been addressed, such as organizational structures (Feldman & Pentland 2003), type of employment (Lepak et
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