New Book: „Employee Representation in Multinational Companies. The Articulation of Interests in Multilevel Action Fields“

Interesting new book: Thomas Haipeter, Markus Hertwig, Sophie Rosenbohm: Employee Representation in Multinational Companies. The Articulation of Interests in Multilevel Action Fields, Palgrave MacMillan. Basingstoke (more information here)

  • „Focuses on the intertwining types of collective actors of workers’ representations at local, national and transnational levels
  • Offers empirical results from over 70 interviews conducted at a wide range of MNCs and trade unions
  • Analyses the role of German board level representation in the process of articulation

Investigating the issue of employee representation in multinational companies (MNCs), this book sets out to systematically conceptualise the modes of articulation between different action fields. While previous studies have focused on forms of employee representation that have emerged throughout recent decades, rather little is known about the interaction and coordination of representational bodies and actors, such as trade unions and European or World Works Councils. Given the growing importance of transnational restructuring in

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Publikation: „Rough waters: European trade unions in a time of crises“

Die aktualisierte Neuauflage des von Steffen Lehndorff, Heiner Dribbusch und Thorsten herausgegebenen Buchs „Rough Waters …“ mit elf Länderstudien über europäische Gewerkschaften in Zeiten der Krise ist jetzt erschienen und kann auf der Seite des ETUI herunter geladen werden.

„This book analyses the development of trade unions in eleven countries (Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the UK) since the early 2000s. The individual chapters focus on unions‘ structural, organisational, institutional and discursive power resources “ (Abstract auf der Seite des ETUI).

 Eine erweiterte Fassung des Einleitungskapitels in deutscher Sprache erscheint in diesen Tagen parallel in den Reihen „WSI Studies“ und „IAQ Forschung“. Die Publikation „In schwerer See – Europäische Gewerkschaften in Krisenzeiten“
kann hier herunter geladen werden. (Quelle des Bildes:

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Call for papers: ILERA European Congress 2019 „Perspectives of Employment Relations in Europe“, Düsseldorf, Germany, 5–7 September 2019

ILERA European Congress 2019
Perspectives of Employment Relations in Europe,
Düsseldorf, Germany, 5–7 September 2019

(deadline 20 December 2018)
The XII European Regional Congress of the International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) will take place in Düsseldorf on 5–7 September 2019 and intends to explore and analyse the changes in labour and employment relations across Europe and in a comparative perspective. Stable labour relations and welfare state protections have been perceived to be at the core of what has been named the European social model. Beginning in the 1990s, however, their foundations seem to have been weakened in many countries: We witness a decline in bargaining coverage, employer and union densities but also many efforts to restructure the welfare state as well as systems of labour market regulation. The 12th ILERA European Congress comes at a time when changes of … Mehr lesen...